3/28/2015 - CVSR Train Ride with Breakfast
Gina got me a secret (everything lately has been secret) Train ride on the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad for Valentine's Day!...which we missed because we were late. BUT Gina was able to "sweet talk" (which I'm sure is code for threaten) the customer service lady into moving our train tickets and breakfast to March. I love trains so I don't really care how many small children Gina had to dangle off buildings in order to get this done. She has her ways and I just go along for the ride! See what I did there?
This is a must do for anyone whether you're a fan of trains or not! It's so relaxing and the scenery is amazing. The trains are nice and comfy but a bit drafty so if you go during the winter you may need to keep your coat on. Oh and definitely pick the east side of the train to look out of. The west side just isn't as scenic. The breakfast, which you would have thought was going to be the let down, was actually very good! Everything about this made me smile and because we had so much fun, Gina and I are planning on riding to Akron to get dinner at Luigi's and then riding home...if the schedules allows.
4/2/2015 - Progressive Field Sneak Peek
Through work (which in no way approves of, acknowledges, or agrees/disagrees with anything having to do with this blog) I was able to get a sneak peek at the new changes to Progressive field and more importantly a free lunch. These changes included new corporate branding that is in no way awkwardly placed, opening up the northeast entrance so we could get a better view of the 9's parking garage, an expanded kids area that's strategically right next to a new bar, a new statue because the old one was (in some way that I don't understand) racist, and container storage in the right field upper deck for the players to store their belongings until they are able to move in. At least I think that's what everything is for. I'm not sure because...did I mention we got free food!?!
All kidding aside, I don't mind the changes that were made to Jacob's Progressive field. I love going there to watch games and I love the Indians. Plus it's a hell of a lot better than building a brand new stadium with public funds for a team that hasn't won a world series in 67 years and is run by billionaires. Thanks for the vote of confidence Sports Illustrated but maybe you should wait until May 1st before you curse an already cursed team. I hear John Maddens's putting Jerry Sands on the cover of this year's video game too. God I wish someone read this blog...I'm freaking hilarious sometimes.
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4/6/2015 - Dyngus Day
Oh Dyngus Day! I really do love this holiday. This year Aunt Fran was tooling around somewhere down south with Uncle Stan and the weather wasn't even close to the awesome sunny heat that we had last year. Even though it may have cramped our style a bit, it didn't stop us from going out to have some Polish fun around Tremont.
I finally got Gina into Sokolowski's for some delicious Polish food and live polka music. Since Sokolowski's is as Cleveland as the Indians, I won't go into great detail because most of you already know how awesome the food is whether you've been here or not. I will say that our meal didn't disappoint and was more of the same heaping helping, fill you up right, old world, tasty goodness that makes you wonder how much of it you can eat before your sides split open...and trust me, we walked that razor thin line. So much so that I had to buy some coco butter like I was pregnant. It's a shame I didn't know this place existed when I was a teen with endless metabolism!
We also got a chance to go to one of the Polish Veteran's Clubs and grab a few Polish drinks. The bar tenders were nice and the older patrons all had a story to tell. One of the older gentleman even had his eye on Gina but lucky for me he left his pills at home or I'd have been at risk for losing my best gal! Now we have to hit all the other ones in our neighborhood. You heard me. There are more than 1.
4/10/2015 - Opening Day - (L) Indians: 4 Tigers: 8
Opening Day was a great time even though we lost but in the future, unless I have tickets, this will probably be my last one. Why you ask? I'm 35 years old and it was never more obvious than when I was standing in a 2 X 2 inch square at the Thirsty Parrot watching the youth pour past me like a drunkin roaring rapid while me, the guy with the weave and spray tan, and someone who seriously could have been on-air talent for NPR (think turtleneck and tweed suit jacket) tried to look like we belonged. We did not. Girls have boobs -- so they belong anywhere. I was not physically prepared to be in this place and the intimidation showed on my face. I will gladly stick to my alley bars and fringe restaurants for next opening day and leave it to the youngins to party like rock stars. Good luck with that.
4/12/2015 - Our 1st Indians Game of 2015 - (L) Indians: 5 Tigers: 8
Before we went to our first game of 2015, we got brunch at Prosperity Social Club. This is one of our favorite places to go recently because of the atmosphere, service, and food. I guess those are the big 3 huh? Oh they're affordable too! This is a must must must go for brunch. Their dinner menu is great too but their brunch is...well let's just say we're taking people there now who spend the night or come up early on the weekends. We all ordered something different and everything was delicious. Salmon Cake Benedict...ya think about that one for a second. Yum! Bloody Mary's are good. Sides are great. You can't go wrong AND they have Saturday brunch as well. This was all the win we were going to get today however...
We got to the stadium and bought tickets in the cheap seats. I don't care what anyone says, there's not a bad seat in the house at Progressive field. We even got some sun in our face around the middle innings. If it wasn't for the drunkin angry Tiger fans (redundant, I know) who surrounded us chanting "We'all sweeped dem Injins", it would have been a perfect day. Love a good day at the ballpark.
We didn't get to see any of the new areas up close. I figure I'll wait until it's just me and Gina before I go off exploring. Everything looked great though from our seats! Even the PODS section in right field. Go Tribe!
4/152015 - Cavs Game - (W) Cavs: 109 Pistons: 97
As if we didn't have enough sports this post, I bought us Cavs tickets too! I mean come on. I needed to attend a win or I was going to think it was me (more than likely Gina) who was bring Cleveland teams bad luck. Well we won thanks to J.R. Smith hitting 3's from everywhere and anywhere and Lebron even played! He messed around and got a triple-double. We got some hot dogs and cheered them our way. I have to say, today was a good day. I'm holding out hope that work gets one more ticket deal for the playoffs or I'll be watching them from home unfortunately. This is where I'll end it to avoid jinxing anything...
Until next time Urban Pioneers!
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